A project focused on beautifying a major corridor of Downtown Shawnee.
Launched in 2017 as a catalyst to reshape and invite development into the city, Nieman Now! highlights and objectives are:
- Narrowing of Nieman Road between 55th Street and Shawnee Mission Parkway to 3 lanes and adding bike lanes
- Beautification alongside Neiman Road including adding trees, benches, signs and upgrading street light fixtures
- Development of four stormwater and flooding mitigation improvements into Turkey Creek Tributary including 6200 Neiman, Nieman Middle, Nieman South and Nieman North
Find out more about Nieman Now! here.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6Wq2oYFr5rU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Multiple projects are underway on or in close proximity to the Nieman Now! Corridor. As of February, 2019 The City of Shawnee has RFP'd two owned parcels for development projects with formalized plans nearly announced.
Additionally, the Neiman Now! Corridor sits within a greater federal designated Opportunity Zone of Census Tract Number 20091052102. Opportunity Zones offer prime development potential with major tax savings. For more information on incentives, Opportunity Zones and info on Downtown Shawnee content the Shawnee EDC staff.